addCity(lng, lat, name) - draw pin with label - save city to inner DB getNbCities() return: amount of saved cities addRoad(city_idx_1, city_idx_2) - draw line between cities (color1) - save link (city_idx_1 <-> city_idx_2) to DB getNbRoads(city_idx) return: amount of roads where city_idx_1 == city_idx or city_idx_2 == city_idx getCityRoads(city_idx) return: roads where city_idx_1 == city_idx or city_idx_2 == city_idx getCityLongitude(city_idx) return: city lng getCityLatitude(city_idx) return: city lat getRoadLength(road_idx) return: distance between cities linked by given road highlightRoad(road_idx) - draw line between cities (color2) getDestinationCity(city_idx, road_idx) return: find all roads where city_idx_1 == city_idx or city_idx_2 == city_idx, take road with index = road_idx, return another city idx from road link